“We should probably go outside, you know, and”-she glanced around the room-“check on the trees, or something.”

“The trees.”
“Yes. Like make sure they aren’t on fire or anything.”
Calliope’s mom moves around. As in, driving from place to place, and only staying a month or two. As a result, when Cal, as she likes to be called, and her mom find themselves in Asheville, North Carolina, Cal doesn’t expect to stay long…. even though her mom has a job at the Renaissance Faire.
Eliot’s dad runs a Christian fat camp. As in, people come and pray and loose weight. He misses the times when The Dad, his Mom, and he used to joke around and be happy. Now it seems like The Dad has completely turned over to God… and money.
When Eliot and Calliope meet, both of which are longing for someone… or something… there’s no telling what will happen, what with Calliope’s mother’s infactuation with a self-centered jouster, Eliot’s dad’s fat camp, a dad Calliope hasn’t spoken to since forever, and a romance that just might be budding between Eliot (with one “L”), and Calliope.
But thanks to Cal’s mom… will it last?
“I think I know your secret,” Abel says from behind me.
“It’s called culinary skill,” I tell him. “I think I might be a natural.”
“I didn’t mean your cooking secret, smarty-pants.”
“What then?” I ask, pushing my hair out of my eyes with the back of my wrist. “My secret for bouncy hair? Creative witticisms? Fashion?” At this I perform a model turn complete with a spatula twirl.
I know the synopsis I managed to type up for this book is really REALLY lame. And I know that I had a dream, in which one of my aunts picked this book up off my bedroom floor, looked at me, and then said, “this book has a REALLY BAD ending. You won’t like it.” But just ignore all that.
Because this book, just like Dream Factory, is amazing.
It is cute. It is funny. It is sweet, touching, amusing, suspenseful, and full of (thanks to Cal), sarcasm.
I’d give it five stars, and definitely recommend everyone to ignore my dream aunt’s warning about the ending. (because, and spoiler alert… this book ends perfectly.)