“The Eiffel Tower’s Daughter is a story about love, compassion, family, and life. A girl who has to face it all with no one to help her. She runs away from home the day after her divorced mother unknowingly marries a spy. Swanilde has to deal with rivalry and vengeance on her way to warn her father and ask for help. Swanilde thinks she’s on a quest for truth, but her family reveals all of the secrets and lies they have been hiding from her for years. As Swanilde’s world crumbles under her, she realizes how precious life is and how short it is. She tries to deal with all of the obstacles in her way to find who she really is-until disaster strikes and she’s running again.” (From the back of the book.)

This was a good story! Anyone over 10 or 11 could probably enjoy it. It was fast-paced, and emotional. The story was pretty vivid in my mind. It was a nice quick read- there’s something to be said for a book that can be even slightly good that’s both only 100 pages, and a stand-alone book. I also liked that the story crossed many countries (France, Egypt, Greece). I give this book 4 Stars!

There’s also obviously something to be said about the fact, HELLO, the author of this book wrote it when she was 10! When I was 10, I wasn’t trying to write an actual novel and get it published. Trust me. I know everyone’s been talking about the fact that she’s 11, but still! It’s just really inspiring and impressive that she wanted to write and publish a book at such a young age, and achieved her goal. If you want to find out more about “The Eiffel Tower’s Daughter” go to the facebook for the book here.
Thank you (author) Bethany Huang for giving me a copy of your book to review after we’d been talking. 
Again, note to readers, receiving a review copy from an author/publisher doesn’t alter my review, THESE ARE MY REAL OPINIONS.