Firelight was really great. I’ve wanted to read this one for a while, and then the cover for Vanish (the sequel, due September) came out and I decided that now would be a good time to read it! I’m so glad I did. Jacinda’s voice in the book was one of my favorite things; what I mean is that, when I was reading Firelight, when it wasn’t just a conversation exchanged, I really felt like I was reading into her thoughts, as she thought them, not just a written version of them, I found it really written the way she thinks. I also liked the characters, especially Will and Jacinda (by the way, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww) and their development through the story. Although, on a personal basis, oh my, Jacinda’s mom and Tamra are really REALLY easy to hate for most of the book. I also liked how the story was unique because how many books do you read about a kind of human/dragon kind of girl, who falls in love with a boy who hunts her kind, and even turns out to be… well… I can’t spoil that for you. That does bring me to the fact that this book is filled with twists and turns that you’d never expect, and gets better as it goes on! The ending was such a cliffhanger though, I can’t wait for Vanish in September!